A simple 1.24d Maphack.

Visible units and buildings in fog on main map
Visible buildings in fog on mini map

I may think about adding more features to future projects
but I may need to learn a coding language before I try that.
With that being said, the coding on this hack was done by Rufus
so he deserves all the credit for that. Also I would like to thank
Tracky for helping me find some tutorials that helped me make this.

This is my first hack and it has no protection against warden.
I tested it in two ladder games today and havn't got banned,
but im not responsible for bans so use at your own risk![Undetected] CryptHack v1.24d D3scenesmiley

[Undetected] CryptHack v1.24d Quote_icon Originally Posted by Reichu
Edit: I just downloaded the hack and tried it, it does NOT work for garena.

another battle.net hack then, that's better than nothing these days. [Undetected] CryptHack v1.24d Smile

[Undetected] CryptHack v1.24d Quote_icon Originally Posted by Tracky [Undetected] CryptHack v1.24d Viewpost-right
NOTE: Using this Hack without DropBnet will raise your chances to get banned!
So keep it safe and use it with dropbnet!
Best regards, Tracky.

EDIT: I'm not completely satisfied with my hack yet but I've made a couple changes for the better so im going to upload the revised version for now until i complete a final one.

New Features-
Remove hack button
Hotkeys for Inject and Remove hack buttons (F4 and F5)
and It looks alot better.